Last year I took a certification course entitled: “Nutritional and Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Professionals.”* Aside from the usual greens and grains, one piece of nutritional learning that took me by surprise was the healing benefits of bone broth.
More recently I began to read a book entitled: “Brave New Medicine”** by Cynthia Li, MD. It’s a lovely trek through her journey from illness to health drawing on the practices of functional medicine. In it, she too extols the healing properties of bone broth.
On a trip into the city this past week, I stopped in a book store to kill some time, and I came upon another book, “The Bare Bones Broth Cookbook”*** by Katherine & Ryan Harvey. In the forward of the book, Dr. Cate Shanahan MD once again extols the benefits of consuming bone broth. Dr. Shanahan informs us that bone stock is an “essential” food in human health, “because our genes have come to “expect” them.” The collagen rich bone and joint materials found in home boiled stock provides “special compounds with powerful, almost magical growth-promoting properties.”
I purchased the book, and as I walked back to my vehicle, I realized I was parked directly in front of a butcher’s shop. Minutes later I had purchased grass-fed bones to make into stock by adding water and two tablespoons of acid, in my case, apple cider vinegar.
Why share this on a behavioral health blog? Because “we are what we eat,” and everything we put into our bodies determines how we feel, how we sleep, how we react, and how we regulate our moods.
As we face this current phase of the COVID pandemic, with the Omicron variant seemingly out of control, I hear, feel, and see, growing exhaustion in the people around me. I know it sounds terribly simple, but try cooking up a pot of broth, and see how you begin to feel. It may be the simplest intervention towards a happier healthier you.
Neither the publisher nor the author are engaged in rendering advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions continued in this blog are not intended as a substitute for consulting with a licensed mental health and or child development advisor. All matters regarding the health and development of your child require professional supervision. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions in this blog.
*KORN, Leslie, PH.D., MPH, LMHC, ACS, RPP, NTP, NCBTMB. "Nutritional and Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Professionals." Copyright: 9/20/2018, Psychotherapy Networker Product: CRS001278-EVG Type: Online Course.
**Li, Cynthia, MD. Brave New Medicine: "A Doctor’s Unconventional Path To Healing Her Autoimmune Illness." Reveal Press. Copyright: 2019.
***Harvey, Katherine & Ryan. "The Bare Bones Broth Cookbook: 125 Gut-Friendly Recipies to Heal, Strengthen, and Nourish the Body." Harper Wave, An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers. Copyright: 2016.